Thursday, October 13, 2011

It's hard to believe it's already October and Nehemiah is set to arrive in December! It feels like I have been pregnant for so long, yet only two months til his birth seems so quick. This has definitely been a faith walk and there is no end in sight. When we first found out about Nehemiah's kidneys I did a ton of research on-line, and then did the same when we found out about his heart issue. Now that we know he has a rare chromosome issue, Jacobson Syndrome, with additional chromosome information, where do I go? The Dr's are unsure about what this will mean. I can't google for the answers. I must go to the Creator who knows all things. It is amazing how He has hemmed us in. We cannot follow our natural instinct and try and take matters into our own hands, predict the outcome, prepare for what is up ahead. All we know is that Nehemiah is in His hands and He is good and He is in control. Then we must rest. Rest and wait upon Him continually. It is exciting knowing that He is at work yet it is hard to not focus on my weakness. I keep picturing over and over Peter walking on the waves to Jesus and as soon as he took his eyes off the Lord and saw the waves he started to sink, yet the Lord in His compassion and strength reaches out to catch him even in his weakness.

But seeing the wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, "Lord, save me!"  Immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and took hold of him, and said to him, "You of little faith, why did you doubt?"-Matt 14:30

I know at the end of this trial, at the end of this life, we will look back and see God's faithfulness and loving kindness etched into every detail of our lives and we will say," LORD, why did I ever doubt You?!"

"Let the heart of those who seek the LORD be glad. Seek the LORD and His strength: Seek His face continually."-ps. 105:3-4

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